10 crystals you didnt know your Home needed

10 crystals you didnt know your Home needed

Are you looking to increase the Feng Shui of any home. take notes and follow along.
  1. Clear negative energy: Crystals like black tourmaline, obsidian, and hematite can help to absorb and clear negative energy from your space, improving the overall energy flow.

  2. Promote abundance: Citrine and pyrite are often used in feng shui to promote abundance and prosperity, especially when placed in the wealth corner of your home or office.

  3. Enhance love and relationships: Rose quartz is a popular crystal for enhancing love and relationships, and can be placed in the love corner of your bedroom or the relationship corner of your home.

  4. Boost creativity: Carnelian and sunstone are said to stimulate creativity and can be placed in the creativity corner of your home or office.

  5. Improve focus and concentration: Fluorite and amethyst are said to improve focus and concentration, making them ideal for study or work areas.

  6. Promote calmness and relaxation: Amethyst and blue lace agate are calming crystals that can promote relaxation and peacefulness when placed in a bedroom or meditation space.

  7. Enhance intuition: Labradorite and moonstone are often used to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness when placed in a meditation or spiritual space.

  8. Increase energy and vitality: Red jasper and carnelian are said to boost energy and vitality when placed in the health and vitality corner of your space.

  9. Promote clarity and mental focus: Clear quartz can help to promote mental clarity and focus when placed on a desk or workspace.

  10. Protect your space: Black tourmaline and obsidian can also be used to protect your space from negative energy and can be placed at the entrance or in the corners of a room to create a protective energy shield.

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